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 Sweet Readers

"Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts." Love has features which pierce all hearts, he wears a bandage which conceals the faults of those beloved. He has wings, he comes quickly and flies away the same.

There is no pain equal to that which two lovers can inflict on one another. This should be made clear to all who contemplate such a union. The avoidance of this pain is the beginning of wisdom, for it is strong enough to contaminate the rest of our lives.

Fruit basket

Mort Itachi <3



Template : Qistina Re
others : una & Athirah
Best view : Google Chrome

"DIA. . "
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 | 9:30 AM | 0 comments
DIA ibarat lebah,habis madu sepah dibuang.......
DIA umpama bunga ros,dipandang cantik dipegang sakit.....
DIA seperti air terus mengalir..... 
DIA bak bulan dipuja dan disanjung tp nun jauh di sana....
DIA mcm makanan sebab kawan makan kawan!!
DIA seperti lembu sebab mengikut saje ape dikata........
DIA tak ubah macam durian bau je busuk tp sedap dimakan....
DIA macam biskut..sekejap ade sekejap takde.......
Apakah keistimewaan DIA ? ”

Dibalik KELEMBUTANYA dia memiliki kekuatan yang begitu dahsyat..
TUTUR katanya merupakan KEBENARAN..
SENYUMAN’nya adalah SEMANGAT bagi orang yang disayanginya. .
Dia TERSENYUM bila melihat temannya tertawa..
Dia TERHARU Dia MENANGIS bila melihat KESENGSARAAN pd org2 yg dikasihinya. ..
Dia mampu TERSENYUM dibalik KESEDIHAN’nya. .
Dia sangat GEMBIRA melihat KELAHIRAN..
Dia begitu sedih melihat KEMATIAN..
TITISAN air matanya bisa membawa PERDAMAIAN.
"DIA...adalah dia. . . . "
"LOve is nOt abOut findinG thE riGht pErsOn
But crEaTinG a riGht rElatiOnsHip ..
It's nOt abOut hOw muCh lOvE yOu hAve in thE bEgInning
But hOw mucH lOve yOu buiLd TiLL thE EnD..."